Shanghai Disneyland: Day 2 (April 2019)

I’m finally back with the second part to my Shanghai Disneyland adventures! It was a slightly strange day in many ways really and I recommend never visiting the park on a bank holiday if you can avoid it. As it was, there was literally no other date that I had the time to make the long journey from Hengyang and despite the issues I did still have a good day.

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Shanghai Disneyland: Day 1 (April 2019)

Shanghai Disneyland is the newest of all the Disney parks. It’s quite unlike any other Disney that I’ve visited before, mostly in a good way, and there are some absolute gems in the park which I am so glad that I got to experience. The food was a bit hit and miss but overall I am glad that I went and enjoyed a park which many people will never get the opportunity to visit.

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Shanghai Disneyland: Food Diary (April 2019)

I’m back again with another Disney food diary, ready to share all of the foods that I ate during my trip to Shanghai Disneyland. There is no meal plan in Shanghai Disneyland so you have to pay for everything as you go. Honestly, the food was a little hit and miss for me and, while there were some really delicious things, I would have to put Shanghai Disney down there as one of the most disappointing parks I’ve eaten at.

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