Tongzhou Closing Ceremony

To celebrate the end of our summer camp in Tongzhou, there was a grand closing ceremony. All of the important officials who were there at the start of the 10 days came back again to watch what was ultimately a very entertaining talent show. All of the classes (of which we had 7) put on a short performance for the rest of the students. There was dancing and singing and many embarrassed teachers after being roped into joining in but it was a fun – if early – morning celebration. However, in my opinion, it wasn’t quite the joyful celebration of talent that it first appeared to be.

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Teaching in China: My First Experiences

I’ve been in China now for almost 2 weeks, although honestly it feels like I’ve been here for months. Myself and the other teachers were sent on our way to our BIEE summer camps less than a day after arriving in Beijing and after a nice, if slightly strange opening ceremony featuring all the local authorities and more thanks that should ever be necessary, we were thrown straight in to teaching.

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